
Thursday, January 15, 2004

Life is Still Good 

I'm writing this during my free period at school. I could do work, but I don't really have much to work on. I'll do Spanish tonight (I have a bad habit of saving Spanish work until the last minute) and maybe read some more of Frankenstein.

Yesterday was not a very good day for various reasons. I didn't do as well on my history essay as I'd hoped, and the circus has been driving me nuts. I turned in the final script on Monday, but discovered that a group of girls was working on a completely new script because they thought mine sucked. The script that I've worked on for months has been completely rejected in favor of theirs. Now, I don't mind if they hate my script, but there are some things that really get on my nerves:

1) Supposedly we (Carlos and I, the only two people who volunteered to work on the script) didn't develop the ideas properly. They told us what to write, we wrote it, they approved it, and now suddenly they've changed their minds about it. Yes, some of the ideas might have been jumbled up a bit, but that was only because we had to come some ideas together because there simply were too many. I personally think that in most cases this turned out well, but obviously they didn't.

2) The timing. They've had months to give us ideas and let us know what should go in the script. Now they act as if we haven't been doing our job. Carlos and I went to every meeting and have been working on this thing for months, doing our best to please everybody. I honestly think we were the most committed people involved with the circus. Now, suddenly, with only 6 weeks until we perform it on stage people have decided to do something completely different. If it was just a few elaborations on the existing script, I wouldn't mind as much, since I'm sure ours could have been improved. Instead, they've tossed away the basic idea we decided we would use and have been developing for weeks, and are doing something completely different.

3) The majority of them don't seem to understand what's wrong. I think maybe two people sympathized with Carlos and I and apologized, for which I am grateful. The rest of them don't seem to care that they've just taken weeks of work and essentially trashed it all. They claim they used ideas from our script, but I've read their script and it really bears nothing in common with ours at all.

So, in a sense, I've just wasted a few weeks of my life working on something that's just been scrapped. But oh well. Today things are much better. I've realized that I did my part and what they asked me to do, so in a sense there's nothing for me to worry about. Maybe our script sucked, maybe it didn't, but if it did God knew it would suck and turned things around. And it's not like the new script is completely terrible. There are some good ideas (although there are a few I absolutely loathe) and hopefully things will turn out well. Life is still good. I don't plan on doing any more for the circus. I'll act/dance in what scenes they tell me to act/dance in, but I'm not going to volunteer for anything more. I did my job already.

On another note: yes, I know I haven't updated my website in a while. I've been very busy. I've written a review that I need to post, and there were several reviews waiting to be written. To the one or two people who actually visit my site: be patient. I will update it as soon as possible.

Also, has anyone heard anything about the various "Google bombs" that seem to be popping up? By a "Google bomb", I mean the following: you go to Google and type in something and then click "I'm Feeling Lucky", which takes you to the page that Google thinks most clearly relates to what you're searching for. People have been messing around with their sites (I don't know all the details) and making it so the results of such a search are rather humorous. Most of them have to do with politics. These are the ones I know so far:

"weapons of mass destruction" - be sure to click the links for added fun
"miserable failure"
"french military victories" - again, click the link
"elgoog" - not anything to do with politics, but I still think it's funny. Try searching for something.

Just type in the above without quotes and click I'm Feeling Lucky. If anyone knows of any more, please let me know. Also, Google has implemented an Easter Egg into their calculator program. Type in "the answer to life the universe and everything" and click Search. You'll only understand it if you've read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

That's all for now.

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