
Monday, July 05, 2004

Camping and Fireworks and Needles, Oh My! 

Okay. So, we hung out at the campground for a while. Then, we left at 7 to go see fireworks. Everyone parked by the side of the road and we hung out until about 9:30. I basically just played Game Boy for all of that time. The fireworks were some of the best I've seen; red-white-and-blue, hearts, smiley faces...they were pretty cool.

Speaking of which, Happy Belated Birthday USA! Woohoo!

Terri's pal Natalie came. She went with us back to the campground. She does acupuncture - in other words, she gets paid to stick needles in people. Seeing as how Acupuncture is on my "List of Things To Do Before I Die", it was only natural for me to say, "Acupuncture?! I wanna do it, I wanna do it!" She was quite happy to oblige.

We went back into a tent, and I laid down (this was after she checked my pulse and stuff...I don't know what the point of that was, since a needle's a needle no matter how fast my heart beats). She told me all this stuff about how the body has different energy patterns, and sticking needles in people somehow magically helps to put things back into "balance". I don't know if I buy in to all that weird energy stuff, but anyway, she felt around my body for an energy path or something, then started sticking the needles in.

The majority didn't hurt at all - at most it was like a mosquito bite. She stuck two in each hand, one in each leg, two in my stomach and two in my forehead. Ten in total. I could look up and see needles sticking out of my head. At first it was like: "Whoa...I've got needles stuck in me." Then it was like: "AAGGHH! I'VE GOT FREAKIN' NEEDLES STUCK IN ME!" Once your brain overcomes the whole idea, it's not so bad. Kinda relaxing, though I guess that's the point. After a while I realized I could barely move my fingers. They felt really heavy. I guess that's what it's like being high. But after they were pulled out, things were fine.

I'm at my Aunt Brenda's house now. About 10 minutes ago I received my order from www.allposters.com. I bought 3, and my brother bought 4 in their sale about 2 weeks ago, when some items were only two bucks. Now my room won't be so boring. I got one from The Matrix Revolutions and Return of the King...plus, my personal favorite, the Donnie Darko theatrical poster. The one with the huge, evil-looking bunny rabbit face on it. All right!

That's all for now. Karen and Souwa, have a safe flight to California. Say hi to William Hung for me.

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