
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

CAS and Cool Chinese People 

Today marked my last first session of CAS. Yay! I need to find out how many hours (out of 70) I've completed on my own, so I can finish...

On the way to Hospital Bloom, where we do our community service, we stopped by Miguel Chang's restaurant (he's a classmate of mine, for all of you non-Andrew Johnsons that live in El Salvador). He called ahead, so free food was already waiting for us when we arrived. I had been waiting to try out his restaurant...and I wasn't disappointed. There were all these plates of chicken, rice, noodles, etc. One thing I did notice was that it wasn't as "chinesey" as I expected. There weren't as many sauces, and the overall flavor just didn't have that Chinese taste I'm used to. It was kind of like "Chinese food in an El Salvador style". Overall, very tasty. Yummy. And now this is the part where I present...

Da Man of Da Week: Mr. Chang!


I don't know his first name.

He was the cashier at the restaurant, and he waited on us hand and foot to make sure me and my classmates were satisfied. He brought us drinks, then rolls, then more food...and more food...it got to the point where I thought he was being a little too nice. When we were finished he brought out this huuuuuuuge fruit and cut it up for us to eat. I didn't catch the name, but I think it was grapefruit. If it was, it was the biggest and strangest looking grapefruit I've ever seen. I'm guessing it weighed at least 10-20 pounds. I wanted to introduce myself and tell him how great everything was, but we were in a hurry so all I got to do was shake his hand on the way out. Maybe next time.

As one of my classmates put it: "El es super buena onda!" In other words, he's a really cool and nice guy. Which is why he deserves this prestigious (right) award.

Da Quote of Da Moment:
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."
--Dennis Wholey

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