
Monday, August 23, 2004

Researchers Claim the World Will End in 425 Days 

Not really. I just thought lots of people might read my post if it had a cool title.

Today began my last first full week of school. Now that I'm a senior, I think I'll just put "last" in front of everything that happens to me. Especially the bad stuff...like tests...or having to go to Math and Spanish class, period. I can just see the possibilities...

"Today I have my last first Math exam."
"Today I present my last first Spanish oral presentation."
"Today I go to high school for the last time on today's date."
"Today I nap through Calculus for the last time on today's date."
"Today I am abducted by aliens for the last...no, wait, first!...time..."

Well, let's see. What happened today?

Oh yeah. It turns out we weren't going to correct the Calculus homework in class. So I stayed in class for most of lunch, trying to figure out the ones I couldn't figure out yesterday. Fun fun fun. I am now convinced that Calculus is the devil incarnate. I mean let's look at the facts:

1. It makes me feel stupid. Satan can do that too.
2. I means I'm wasting my afternoons messing around with figures and graphs. Now you could argue that that keeps me from doing something stupid, but I prefer to view it as an obstacle that keeps me from doing something good. Surely Lucifer gets a kick out of that.
3. It makes me want to burn things down and murder the guy who came up with this stuff. I'm betting Satan really enjoys those negative emotions!

Wow. I think I just concluded that Calculus is sacreligious. I should write a book before someone steals my theory.

Hm. We got a new TOK teacher today. If you don't know what that is, don't worry, he didn't either. He said he just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out what the class was about before the lesson. At this point in the year, that's fine with me...it's not like it's difficult. But once we start writing essays and doing presentations, I hope he has a better idea of what the heck the class is all about. And even though I couldn't really get a sense of what kind of teacher he is, he has a funky name and that brings him up a few points in my book: Mr. Murgatroyd. I'm pretty sure that's how you spell it. Now if only I could find out his first name...though it's probably not as interesting. Dmitri? Rasputin? Weinerschnitzel? Hm. Weinerschnitzel Murgatroyd. It could happen.

My dog has returned from San Miguel! Woohoo! Today we gave her a bath...finally. She was filthy. I think we probably could have grown plants on her. But I guess that happens when you're in San Miguel and the people who usually give you a bath have moved to Nicaragua. So now she's fluffy and happy. Yay!

Well, tonight the Puerta is celebrating its 1-year anniversary. Hip hip hurray! It's time to par-tay! Get jiggy with it! Get the groove on!

*tries to think of more weird slang, but fails*

In other news: I'm pretty sure I'll be able to have Film Society as an extracurricular activity. I've been emailing Mr. Johnson and setting things up. Mr. Lehmann said he'd help me out and be a supervisor. Awesome. He rules.

Speaking of Mr. Johnson, some friends and I started wondering again: what is his middle name? All we know is that his name is Andrew R. Johnson. My name is Andrew Reed Johnson. See why it would be nice to know? If it's even remotely close to "Reed" we're going to freak out. We already have theories about what the explanation would be. See, he could be me. In the future. And there's this whole time loop thing...I'm being taught by myself. After I graduate from college (studying history) I'm going to go live in Britain, where I pick up a British accent. Then, for some strange reason, I'm going to go teach in Colombia. This is where I'll meet my wife. Then we'll go back in time and I'll come to El Salvador, where I'll end up being the headmaster of my old school and teaching history there. And one of my students will be me as a teenager.

*imagines the possibilities*

Now I've got a headache.

Da Word of Da Week: K'niggit. If you don't get it, go watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Though be warned: it might take a few years, and someone to explain it to you, before you get it. Like what happened to me today.

Da Quote of Da Moment:
The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
--The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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