
Sunday, August 08, 2004

Those...Weekly Things....Yeah 

Since I haven't done it in a while, I'll make up for it with new categories! Yay.

Da Woman of Da Week: Brandy. I saw her on TV last night and she made me laugh. Can you say, "Eating disorder?"

Da White Guy of Da Week: Michael Jackson. Who else?

Da Man of Da Week: Tom Cruise, for finally playing a villain. I haven't seen Collateral yet, but that fact alone is worth the ticket price in my book.

Da Blonde of Da Week: Whoever the first blonde to inspire a blonde joke was.

Da Phrase of Da Week: Po shizzle my nizzle izzle fizzle, man. Zizzle yizzle tizzle? Bizzle.

Da Word of Da Week: Geranium.

Da Random Sentence of Da Week: The purple goldfish erupted from the dormant volcano, spinning gracefully into the golden sky, while Bob sat in his pink polka-dotted SUV eating Butterfingers and singing "So Happy Together", and the milkman played his harmonica and realized that the meaning of life had something to do with seahorses and clock-radios.

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