Sunday, November 21, 2004
Random Stuff
This is an interesting article on male frontal nudity in the movies. Some of you might be happy of recent developments regarding the rapid dissolving of this controversial taboo, others of you might not. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Do I feel all nudity should be abolished from films? No. Nudity can be used effectively and not gratuitously (eg. Fight Club). But these days, it seems like it's harder and harder to find movies that actually use it for a purpose. I suppose it's good that now Hollywood isn't being prejudiced and just making women expose themselves for audiences - and possibly awarding them Oscars for it...
Hm. Part of me wants to see all four of those movies mentioned. Kinsey because it just sounds interesting, Sideways because I remember Paul Giamatti's preformance in American Splendor, Alexander because it's an Oliver Stone movie, and maybe Bad Education just because it sounds good.
And now for some random video clips:
Kozo - This short clip was made to promote the next video listed. Basically, it shows the main character, a sumo-wrestling hippo named Kozo (that concept is just so weird it's awesome) dancing to "Thong Song". Shake it, shake it!
Kozo vs. Vending Machine - Kozo has an amusing "fight" for what appears to be sushi or some other Japanese food against...the machine he's trying to get it from.
The Snowman - This funny short from the same company that invented Kozo is about what happens when a snowman gets abducted by aliens. It doesn't matter if you think it's funny or not - those computer graphics are nice.
Stapler Fahrer Klaus - This is a hilarious live-action short film. It's in German, but you should still be able to understand what's going on. It starts out kind of slow, but after about two minutes it starts to get really good and funny. This could be used as a video to encourage safety in the workplace. It's very Kill Bill-ish in terms of the exaggerated use of blood.
If only this had been a real campaign during the election...I'd have supported them:

They'll not only be the best leaders for the USA, but for the rest of the galaxy as well.
Here's a picture of Souwa and me at Empowerment Day. Ignore the right half, the left looks a lot nicer. I look stoned. If only they had taken a picture after I'd had some coffee instead of right at the end of Empowerment Day when I was feeling sleepy... Oh well, people still say we make a nice-looking couple.

Somebody get me some CAFFEINE!
On another note: the traffic on my movie reviews site is rapidly declining. That isn't much of a surprise though, consider how little I update it. The traffic for my blog, however...that's been going up ever since I started it. Right now it averages about 15-20 unique hits a day ("unique hits" means the times it's accessed by different computers, so presumably different people), and a little more than that in terms of normal hits. Last month I received more than 400 unique hits, and about 600 normal hits. This month my blog doesn't seem to be quite as popular though. Oh well.
Happy 1-week anniversary of "officialness", Souwa!
Hm. That's enough randomness for now.
Quote of Da Moment:
"Change can be so constant, you don't even feel the difference until there is one."
--Life as A House
Hm. Part of me wants to see all four of those movies mentioned. Kinsey because it just sounds interesting, Sideways because I remember Paul Giamatti's preformance in American Splendor, Alexander because it's an Oliver Stone movie, and maybe Bad Education just because it sounds good.
And now for some random video clips:
Kozo - This short clip was made to promote the next video listed. Basically, it shows the main character, a sumo-wrestling hippo named Kozo (that concept is just so weird it's awesome) dancing to "Thong Song". Shake it, shake it!
Kozo vs. Vending Machine - Kozo has an amusing "fight" for what appears to be sushi or some other Japanese food against...the machine he's trying to get it from.
The Snowman - This funny short from the same company that invented Kozo is about what happens when a snowman gets abducted by aliens. It doesn't matter if you think it's funny or not - those computer graphics are nice.
Stapler Fahrer Klaus - This is a hilarious live-action short film. It's in German, but you should still be able to understand what's going on. It starts out kind of slow, but after about two minutes it starts to get really good and funny. This could be used as a video to encourage safety in the workplace. It's very Kill Bill-ish in terms of the exaggerated use of blood.
If only this had been a real campaign during the election...I'd have supported them:

They'll not only be the best leaders for the USA, but for the rest of the galaxy as well.
Here's a picture of Souwa and me at Empowerment Day. Ignore the right half, the left looks a lot nicer. I look stoned. If only they had taken a picture after I'd had some coffee instead of right at the end of Empowerment Day when I was feeling sleepy... Oh well, people still say we make a nice-looking couple.

Somebody get me some CAFFEINE!
On another note: the traffic on my movie reviews site is rapidly declining. That isn't much of a surprise though, consider how little I update it. The traffic for my blog, however...that's been going up ever since I started it. Right now it averages about 15-20 unique hits a day ("unique hits" means the times it's accessed by different computers, so presumably different people), and a little more than that in terms of normal hits. Last month I received more than 400 unique hits, and about 600 normal hits. This month my blog doesn't seem to be quite as popular though. Oh well.
Happy 1-week anniversary of "officialness", Souwa!
Hm. That's enough randomness for now.
Quote of Da Moment:
"Change can be so constant, you don't even feel the difference until there is one."
--Life as A House