
Monday, January 03, 2005

To Work Or Not To Work 

Hm. Didn't do much today, except go to church. Right now I'm wondering whether or not I should start doing homework tomorrow (or rather today, since it's 12:33 here). Oh wait, I already know the answer to that. I should, but the question is whether or not I will. We'll have to wait and see.

What else, what else...I finished watching the 6-hour long tv miniseries The Stand. It was okay I guess, considering it was a tv movie. The worst part was the special effects. I've seen amateur films with better makeup and visual FX than that. Made me want to read the book though, since that's probably a lot better.

Also: Sling Blade is an excellent film, if slightly depressing. Billy Bob Thorton should have won an Oscar (or did he?). It brings up some interesting questions. For example, is there ever a time when it would be okay to kill someone? It was also pro-homosexual, but in a way I can mostly agree with. There's one part where the protagonist tells a gay man something to the effect of, "The Bible says that man should not lay with man, but you have been kind to me, and I don't think God will condemn you." I'm not sure if I'd stretch my religious beliefs that far, but at least it shows that homosexuals can be as good as any other person. That's quite refreshing to see in a world where only two extreme points of view seem to be publicized: "All homosexuals are evil - stay away from them!" and "Be gay! It's okay!" I mean, I still see homosexuality as a sin, but it's not like I would refuse to be friends with a gay person. Go Billy Bob.

Other than that, I spent today editing video. Soon it will be time to film more.

Quote of Da Moment:
"Black holes are where God divided by zero."
--Steven Wright

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