
Sunday, August 07, 2005

Watching Movies, Buying Stuff 

The title says what I've been doing lately.

On Friday night, I saw the orignal 12 Angry Men. Good movie, I can see why it's a classic. It gives you a few things to think about regarding justice, perception, and innocent until proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Yesterday, I went to see The Island. This was a pretty good summer flick - Michael Bay has definitely matured in his style of directing since Armageddon. I'm surprised it's doing so poorly at the box-office. I thought the marketing campaign was really good; it made me want to go see it, anyway. It was anti-cloning, as was to be expected. Was it just me, or was that a quite blantant anti-abortion statement at the end? I don't see how it could be anything else. I'm surprised Hollywood would do something like that, but I'm surprised in a good way.

Yesterday I saw Fight Club with Terri. I'm always in the mood to watch that movie - it never gets old. I notice new details every single time.

After watching The Island, we went to buy some backpacks and a computer for MFEMF's friend, Natalie. I ended up buying three DVDs:

1) Fight Club, the two-disk special edition. If I'm going to own it, it's a movie that deserves going all the way.

2) Being John Malkovich

3) Pulp Fiction. I'll watch it with my dad when he gets here.

Anyways, I'm off to church with Terri. Bye bye.

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