
Monday, October 17, 2005

Script Trouble 

Born on the Fourth of July is a good movie, even though by the end it does make you feel like Oliver Stone is sitting next to you screaming, "Do you get it now? Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" Tom Cruise may be a pretty boy, but the guy does have talent. The directing is also superb, which is why Stone got an Oscar for it.

Some recent troubles have arisen in regards to my script. I thought Deej and I had pretty much settled on a final draft, but it turns out the "Studio Head" didn't really like a lot of it. Particularly the ending. I'll probably end up changing a few things based on his suggestions, but the ending is going to be tough to deal with. It's hard to say how much of his criticism was due to the fact that it was unconvincing and how much of it was due to the fact that he simply didn't like how "Christian" it was. I wasn't aware there was a huge problem, though, until he implied one of the guys running the contest suggested I be fired from my position (in other words, disqualified from the film festival). That blows my mind. Fired just because I didn't agree with all of my Studio Head's suggestions? I know this is supposed to simulate real Hollywood, but that seems like going a bit too far. It's not like I've been stubborn or uncooperative in trying to sort out the conflicts. Thankfully that didn't happen. And even if it had, I would have strongly protested it. I've worked way too hard on this script to have it taken away from me now.

The final draft was due today, but I've got until Wednesday to talk to Deej about things and make some changes. This is going to be tough. I was looking forward to handing the project over to Deej to start directing, but I guess I'll have to wait a few days and go over every scene again. It's time to once again examine every detail, event and character motive driving the story forward and see whether or not changes are realistic. I can only hope the movie ends up being better for it.

Nighty night.

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