
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Thanksgiving, Come Soon! 

I was talking with Aaron about how I just don't feel like working at all. All I want to do is lay around and do nothing. He feels the same way. College is filled with work. Homework sucks. I'd be quite happy just going to class, not having homework, and the only work I do out of class being job work so I can get money. That would come out to around an hour of work per day. I could go for that.

Washington was great. The weekend went by too fast. I went with Souwa to the Old Post Office and the Smithsonian, which was fun. I saw the Puffy Shirt! The only thing that went through my head for around five minutes was, "I don't wanna be a pirate!"

I also saw a few movies there and when I got back, which was good. Sonia and I spent most of the time sleeping, exploring Washington and just chilling. She's going to come see me for my birthday in ten days, so I'm excited about that. The movies I've seen lately are:

A History of Violence
My first Cronenberg movie. Although I was expecting it to be dark and weird, I wasn't really expecting what I saw. I can see why some people love Cronenberg and others absolutely loathe him. Overall, it's a decent movie, but not great. I enjoyed it more on an intellectual level rather than just in terms of the story. It has a lot to say about human nature and the way violence is treated by society. It was extremely brutal and gory at times, perhaps the most graphic movie I've seen since The Passion. I don't normally cringe at movies, but this one made me wince more than once. The main problem I had with it was that I couldn't really see what the writer was trying to say.

One thing I can say about it is that it has one of the best sex scenes I've seen recently. In terms of context, I mean, not in terms of how graphic it is. It was nice to see a movie that presented sex in marriage in a positive way. Married people can have fun too! Unfortunately, the second sex scene made my brain hurt trying to figure out what the director was trying to communicate. In the end, I concluded it has something to do with how women view violence - perhaps as a turn on. It was weird, but interesting. Overall, not a bad movie, but not excellent.

I also saw Top Gun with Souwa. I hadn't seen that in years. I had forgotten how fun it is. Maverick rules.

Blue Velvet
I saw this when I got back to Raleigh. Bizarre movie. I think it's overrated. The acting was terrible....except for Dennis Hopper. He is definitely Da Man of Da Week. He was awesome in this movie, and stole every scene he was in. I found myself wanting to fast-forward to the next scene he was in. This movie is considered by many to be one of the best thrillers of all time, but a lot of the time I just found the acting and writing laughable. There are plenty of good, weird scenes though - the movie shines when the actors (except Hopper) aren't talking, but are free to concentrate on their actions and expressions. It's not a bad movie, but it's not great. Worth seeing just for Hopper.

The Sting
Good movie. Paul Newman rules. I can see why this movie won 7 Oscars. Good stuff.

I've got to get back to work now. Fun, fun, fun.

Quote of Da Moment:
"And if you screw up just this much, you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong!"
--Top Gun

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