Thursday, February 16, 2006
Finally! The Act Update!
This week is still killing me. I've written my Technician review, gone to a Southwestern meeting, done homework. I've got a Film quiz in an hour, and tomorrow I've got another Southwestern meeting. I still need to prepare for my Saturday scholarship interviews.
But none of that matters now. As of yesterday, The Act is officially in post-production. After procrastinating for two months, Deej finally sent the footage tapes to Canada last week. They arrived yesterday, with around two weeks to go before the March 1 deadline. Our editor, Andrew Cranford, spent the entire day editing and should have a rough cut done by tonight. Wow. That's fast.
After Deej and I view a rough cut, we'll be able to tell him how to improve things. Once there's a final edit, hopefully he'll have enough time before the deadline to color correct the whole thing. And then it'll be done.
Wow. I haven't even thought about The Act in ages. I had pretty much resigned myself to, "Maybe it'll get finished, maybe it won't." I read back over the script, which I now don't like as much as I did a few months ago, but what's a guy to do? Some parts are still great, others are...meh. From what I've been told, that's pretty much how the footage looks, too. Some scenes are awesome, others are terrible. I guess that's what happens when you're forced to direct a movie in a single weekend.
So, yeah. Right now I'm eagerly awaiting a chance to feast my eyes on the rough cut and see what we have to work with. I have a feeling it's going to turn out about like I expected: an okay movie, with some really great things about it and some really bad things about it. I think that's probably the best I could ask for given the circumstances.
I leave you now with a screenshot from the footage. NOTE: This particular take may not even appear in the final cut of the film, but Andrew was using this as a playground to figure out how he's going to color correct it. It's also possible that if this frame is in the final film, it will look entirely different after the color correction process. Personally, I love this shot, and hope this is what I can expect from the rest of the footage. Without further ado, here it is:

And yes, that is director and star, Deej. Andrew Cranford thinks he looks like Randal from Clerks.
But none of that matters now. As of yesterday, The Act is officially in post-production. After procrastinating for two months, Deej finally sent the footage tapes to Canada last week. They arrived yesterday, with around two weeks to go before the March 1 deadline. Our editor, Andrew Cranford, spent the entire day editing and should have a rough cut done by tonight. Wow. That's fast.
After Deej and I view a rough cut, we'll be able to tell him how to improve things. Once there's a final edit, hopefully he'll have enough time before the deadline to color correct the whole thing. And then it'll be done.
Wow. I haven't even thought about The Act in ages. I had pretty much resigned myself to, "Maybe it'll get finished, maybe it won't." I read back over the script, which I now don't like as much as I did a few months ago, but what's a guy to do? Some parts are still great, others are...meh. From what I've been told, that's pretty much how the footage looks, too. Some scenes are awesome, others are terrible. I guess that's what happens when you're forced to direct a movie in a single weekend.
So, yeah. Right now I'm eagerly awaiting a chance to feast my eyes on the rough cut and see what we have to work with. I have a feeling it's going to turn out about like I expected: an okay movie, with some really great things about it and some really bad things about it. I think that's probably the best I could ask for given the circumstances.
I leave you now with a screenshot from the footage. NOTE: This particular take may not even appear in the final cut of the film, but Andrew was using this as a playground to figure out how he's going to color correct it. It's also possible that if this frame is in the final film, it will look entirely different after the color correction process. Personally, I love this shot, and hope this is what I can expect from the rest of the footage. Without further ado, here it is:

And yes, that is director and star, Deej. Andrew Cranford thinks he looks like Randal from Clerks.