
Monday, February 13, 2006

The Ultimate Showdown of the Ultimate Destiny 

That would be here. Yes, I know. It's awesome and they should make a movie about it, because that would sure be a better investment than most movies these days (January and February = crap season). The one-man band doing the song is cool, and his other music is hilarious as well.

I have a whole lot I'd like to talk about, but I can't. I'm too sleepy. Maybe tomorrow. Today sucked even more than most Mondays. I had to get up early to go to a meeting about Southwestern (I'm doing it), go through the usual six straight hours of classes, and also go to a movie for The Technician. And then I got to come back and do my usual two hours of Monday job work. Not cool.

The weekend was great, though. Too bad this week is going to be hell on a timetable.

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