
Thursday, November 02, 2006

I Have A New Blog 

Ramblings of a Film-Addicted Mind.

This one is solely for movie-related topics. My goal is for it to be slightly more professional this one, and offer me a place to showcase my writing as well as voice my opinions on various movie-related topics. I plan on posting reviews, analyses, commentaries on any movie news that inspire strong feelings in me, and who knows what other stuff I'll come up with.

I have begun with three pieces of writing which have not yet been viewed by the public at large, which is a shame since I'm rather proud of them, particularly the latter two:

1) My review of Borat, which while it was published in the newspaper, for some reason didn't get put on the website.

2) My review/analysis of United 93 which I wrote for my Film class, looking at it from an ideological perspective. I got an A, so I must be doing something right.

3) My review of Slither which was never published. That's a shame, since I believe it might be one of my few pieces that is somewhat original - as far as I know, I'm the only one to walk away from it thinking there was a significant moral statement being made about the sanctity of marriage.

Anyways, there it is. Enjoy.

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