Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Black Holes
Well, I've been to all my classes now, labs and all. It doesn't look like this semester is going to be too bad, at this point. Having only one class on Mondays and Fridays is great, because it gives me more than enough time to basically do the whole week's worth of homework. Hopefully the rest of the semester is like this.
Oh, except my last film class sucked. Instead of focusing on Double Indemnity, the teacher blabbered on about all this really weird, abstract theory regarding history and film. Now, I have no problem with a little abstract thinking now and then, but when a film class opens with the question "What Is History?", you know you're in trouble. She started throwing around all these big academic film words nobody knew and talking (I think) about the historiography of film and how film doesn't just reflect history, it's more than that (but I didn't quite understand what exactly). There are two people I know from the Film Committee in the class with me, and afterwards we were all in shock. One girl said she took a history of film class last semester and it was nothing like that - it was actually about movies. All I know is that somewhere between the time I entered the classroom and the time I left, my brain went supernova, collapsed on itself and formed a black hole that proceeded to devour any intelligent thought or bit of rationale I might use to understand what was going on. At least tomorrow we're watching another movie... time to recover.
Luckily, not all my lectures have been that bad. My history class on Modern Asia is going to be focusing on China, India and Japan. From what I can tell, I've already got 1/3 of the class down. This week we're talking about China, and I was the only person in class speaking up to actually answer questions and whatnot. Everyone else is probably just shy or something, but still, it feels good to actually know a decent amount about something.
I found out today that a single room is available in another residence hall and my name is next on the waiting list. I decided to take it. It's in Wood, which is about 5-10 minutes farther away from my classes (and my car), and is practically in the middle of nowhere, but hopefully the pros will outweigh the cons. It will be nice to have a little more space for myself. I guess if I end up hating it, I can always move back.
Last night I had to go to a dinner for the Caldwell Fellows and talk about studying abroad along with five other students. I think it went pretty well. The problem is that it ran slightly long and there wasn't time for a question-answer session with the audience. It's frustrating when you feel like you have a million things you could talk about, but don't get a chance to because nobody asks. Grrr.
Overall, though, it went really well. It was great to catch up with people. I wore the silk shirt that I had bought in China. I think it is quite possibly the single best fashion decision I have ever made in my life. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't pay a lot of attention to clothes and how I dress. I just don't see the point a lot of the time; American culture is way too appearance-focused. Give me a t-shirt and some ratty jeans and I'm fine, you know? Anyway, I got multiple comments from total strangers while I was walking to dinner. I would pass by people and they'd go, "Nice shirt!" or take one look at me and go, "Awesome!" It gives me an excuse to think, "Yes, I know, I'm sexy, hands off." One guy said, "Nice costume," but I'm going to pretend that didn't happen. For all I know the shirt really looks retarded, but I don't care. It's comfy and it gets people talking. I think I'm going to make it what I wear from now on to any dress-up occasions. Put out the Oriental vibe.
I have a ticket to go to a screening of There Will Be Blood tomorrow night. I am nearly wetting myself with anticipation.

Oh, except my last film class sucked. Instead of focusing on Double Indemnity, the teacher blabbered on about all this really weird, abstract theory regarding history and film. Now, I have no problem with a little abstract thinking now and then, but when a film class opens with the question "What Is History?", you know you're in trouble. She started throwing around all these big academic film words nobody knew and talking (I think) about the historiography of film and how film doesn't just reflect history, it's more than that (but I didn't quite understand what exactly). There are two people I know from the Film Committee in the class with me, and afterwards we were all in shock. One girl said she took a history of film class last semester and it was nothing like that - it was actually about movies. All I know is that somewhere between the time I entered the classroom and the time I left, my brain went supernova, collapsed on itself and formed a black hole that proceeded to devour any intelligent thought or bit of rationale I might use to understand what was going on. At least tomorrow we're watching another movie... time to recover.
Luckily, not all my lectures have been that bad. My history class on Modern Asia is going to be focusing on China, India and Japan. From what I can tell, I've already got 1/3 of the class down. This week we're talking about China, and I was the only person in class speaking up to actually answer questions and whatnot. Everyone else is probably just shy or something, but still, it feels good to actually know a decent amount about something.
I found out today that a single room is available in another residence hall and my name is next on the waiting list. I decided to take it. It's in Wood, which is about 5-10 minutes farther away from my classes (and my car), and is practically in the middle of nowhere, but hopefully the pros will outweigh the cons. It will be nice to have a little more space for myself. I guess if I end up hating it, I can always move back.
Last night I had to go to a dinner for the Caldwell Fellows and talk about studying abroad along with five other students. I think it went pretty well. The problem is that it ran slightly long and there wasn't time for a question-answer session with the audience. It's frustrating when you feel like you have a million things you could talk about, but don't get a chance to because nobody asks. Grrr.
Overall, though, it went really well. It was great to catch up with people. I wore the silk shirt that I had bought in China. I think it is quite possibly the single best fashion decision I have ever made in my life. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't pay a lot of attention to clothes and how I dress. I just don't see the point a lot of the time; American culture is way too appearance-focused. Give me a t-shirt and some ratty jeans and I'm fine, you know? Anyway, I got multiple comments from total strangers while I was walking to dinner. I would pass by people and they'd go, "Nice shirt!" or take one look at me and go, "Awesome!" It gives me an excuse to think, "Yes, I know, I'm sexy, hands off." One guy said, "Nice costume," but I'm going to pretend that didn't happen. For all I know the shirt really looks retarded, but I don't care. It's comfy and it gets people talking. I think I'm going to make it what I wear from now on to any dress-up occasions. Put out the Oriental vibe.
I have a ticket to go to a screening of There Will Be Blood tomorrow night. I am nearly wetting myself with anticipation.