Friday, February 08, 2008
Bye Bye Romney
Romney dropped out. He said it's because if he keeps running he will somehow divide the Republican party which will make it easier for Hilary or Obama to win in November. He also said that electing them would be a "surrender to terror." Thanks again, Mitt, for proving once again how completely utterly clueless you are, and how inept you would have been at uniting the country as President.
Personally, I think it's obvious why he dropped out. He knows the Democrats are going to win in November. He's trying to fade away so in 2012, after the Democrats have done their "liberal" stuff, he can pop up and be like, "You see? They're liberal, McCain was a liberal, and I'm the true conservative we need to get this country back on track!" He's already planning on how to get the 2012 nomination. You just wait and see.
I can't believe Huckabee is still in. I'm not a huge fan of the guy in terms of the issues, but I have to say in terms of his personality he always struck me as the most likeable of the big three Republican nominees. The guy has major cajones for sticking in the race. He's probably just trying to get a VP nod from McCain, but that's how politics works. If there is one good thing I can say about Huckabee, it's that out of all the Republican nominees (with the exception of Ron Paul), he's the best at targeting young people, at least from what I've seen. He made a campaign ad with Chuck Norris, for crying out loud!
Also: when Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien cooperated and staged a mock feud because of the writer's strike last week (they say they'll do anything to fill airtime) about which one of them caused Huckabee to win Iowa, Huckabee sent a taped response ("America made me") that was aired after the big showdown.
And furthermore: Huckabee just appeared as a surprise guest on tonight's episode of The Colbert Report. He said a few things about how he's still in the race and can win, but he mainly just played air hockey with Colbert. With Texas as the puck. It's good to see a political candidate who has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to make fun of himself.
Personally, I think it's obvious why he dropped out. He knows the Democrats are going to win in November. He's trying to fade away so in 2012, after the Democrats have done their "liberal" stuff, he can pop up and be like, "You see? They're liberal, McCain was a liberal, and I'm the true conservative we need to get this country back on track!" He's already planning on how to get the 2012 nomination. You just wait and see.
I can't believe Huckabee is still in. I'm not a huge fan of the guy in terms of the issues, but I have to say in terms of his personality he always struck me as the most likeable of the big three Republican nominees. The guy has major cajones for sticking in the race. He's probably just trying to get a VP nod from McCain, but that's how politics works. If there is one good thing I can say about Huckabee, it's that out of all the Republican nominees (with the exception of Ron Paul), he's the best at targeting young people, at least from what I've seen. He made a campaign ad with Chuck Norris, for crying out loud!
Also: when Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien cooperated and staged a mock feud because of the writer's strike last week (they say they'll do anything to fill airtime) about which one of them caused Huckabee to win Iowa, Huckabee sent a taped response ("America made me") that was aired after the big showdown.
And furthermore: Huckabee just appeared as a surprise guest on tonight's episode of The Colbert Report. He said a few things about how he's still in the race and can win, but he mainly just played air hockey with Colbert. With Texas as the puck. It's good to see a political candidate who has a sense of humor and isn't afraid to make fun of himself.