
Monday, February 04, 2008

Post For The Sake Of Posting 

I spent 3-4 hours on Friday night putting up more than a dozen posters and getting them to stay on the wall. The tape I got for the job sucks. Every once in a while a corner will pop off and I'll have to tape it back. Blegh.

Saturday night I went to see The Godfather for free. It is still an amazing movie. Now I need to see the second one again, and finally get around to seeing the third.

Today I slept until 4, went to church at 6, then watched the second half of the Super Bowl. The fourth quarter was pretty good. Poor Patriots, they didn't make history.

I am on a quest to find a date for Valentines Day, so it doesn't become SAD (Single Awareness Day) for me. A date that weekend also counts, as long as it is set by 11:59 on February 14. Once this is achieved, I can begin realizing my plan for world domination.

I also have a new goal. By the end of the semester, I want to have done one of the following:

a) started writing a novel
b) started writing a new feature-length screenplay
c) finished writing, and maybe also shot a new short film
d) started writing, and hopefully finished, a second draft of No Room In Hell

I reread through No Room In Hell. It was good to wait nearly a year before going back to it - the good and bad things stand out more clearly. There are some elements and some lines of dialogue that I really like and think I did a good job with. There are other plot elements that definitely need revision. However, once again, it seems like Hollywood has already beaten me and made a similar movie to my idea (Behind The Mask and Cloverfield). For the record, I was planning on writing a story called Gladiator in sixth grade about a Christian gladiator in Nero's Rome. Then the movie Gladiator came out - the plot was different, but still, both were about gladiator champions and had the same title. I also was going to write a story about a guy who discovers he is actually the character in a book and his life is completely controlled by the author. Then Stranger Than Fiction came out. D'oh.

Oh well, I guess I could always shoot NRIH anyway a few years down the road. It wouldn't take much money at all, just a good makeup artist.

Quote of Da Moment:
"Jesus was a zombie... The guy died, and the next thing you know his body is missing and he's knocking on people's doors, good as new... How is it I'm an atheist and I know this stuff better than you?" --No Room In Hell

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