
Friday, February 15, 2008

Walk Hard 

To modify a Jeff Foxworthy punchline: If you're a 20-something male who goes to see Enchanted by himself on a Friday night... you might be single.

In other news, happy Singles Awareness Day! Mine went okay. It's the first time I've celebrated Singles Awareness Day instead of regular ol' Valentines Day in a while, but it wasn't bad. I'm aware. Mission accomplished.


It's been a busy week. Tests, projects, reports. I don't have any classes that I really look forward to this semester. Even my film class sucks when we're not watching movies. The professor is still blabbering on about the metaphysics of film watching while the rest of us try to figure out what she's talking about and what it has to do with film history. You know that stereotype of the snobby academic scholar who speaks like her favorite book is the dictionary? That's my professor. I'm guessing there is a 99.9% chance she could explain things in a much simpler way, but I guess she doesn't do it because she wants to sound smart. Either that or that's just how she speaks all the time, in which case she needs more help than I thought. Luckily, I've discovered a good way to keep myself from nodding off: keep a list of all the big words and phrases she uses. Here are a few of them so you get an idea of what I'm talking about. If any of you know what they mean, please let me know.

existential spatial environment
locus of transcendence
reactionary modernism
frames of historical intelligibility

Whatever that last one is, I don't think this class has it.


I've got a busy day tomorrow. Most of the day will be spent at a Men's Conference at Vintage21. Hopefully it'll go well. Then in the evening I'm going to a Caldwell Gala. Then the plan is to spend most of Sunday working. Yay?


I think I may have inadvertently crippled myself. I missed class again on Wednesday after my cell phone alarm wasn't set properly (it's the hardest phone to set ever created). I decided not to take it anymore (if I'm going to miss class, it'll be on my terms!), so I went out and got a new one. Problem solved, right?

Sort of. The new alarm works great. I set it to radio, and yesterday morning it went off. Unfortunately, the volume was set to somewhere between Barbarian Warcry and Turn Brain To Mush. Not wanting to wake up everyone in the whole building, I decided to jump down from my bed rather than take the time to climb down. I turned the alarm off and started to get my things in order. No big deal, right?

Wrong. I looked down and noticed some blood on the floor. Turns out when I landed I smashed the third toe of my right foot into the ground. Part of my toenail got torn off and there are a few cuts on top of my foot and around the toe. So I've spent the last two days hobbling around campus and hoping my sock doesn't get too bloody. Amazing how hurting one little toe can hinder your ability to walk. What's really disgusting is that the blood has been coagulating under the rest of my toenail (which I really hope doesn't fall off), so it looks pretty rotten. My toenails are as follows: clear, clear, yellow-brown, clear, clear. It would be funny if it didn't sting to walk.

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