
Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Vice Presidential Debate 

As I did during the first presidential debate, I'm going to blog my thoughts to what each candidate says as I watch it. Hopefully they won't interrupt each other too much and this will be fairly easy to do...


Biden: Way to be political and not answer the question. Good job keeping the focus on Obama, though, and backing him up. You say you're going to focus on the middle-class. What do you mean by that? What about the working class?

Good job appealing to families and giving it a personal touch by starting with the soccer game story. Wait, so you think there needs to be reform? You say John McCain wants reform? Uh... no. Also, you look like you're reading something word-for-word that you memorized.

Yes! Call out McCain and his flip-flopping on the economy!

You're repeating the same thing McCain said about the American workers being the best. Way to appeal to the ultra-patriotic right. I like how you brought up the fact that you're young and fresh, that's a smart move, but too bad, Obama already did that first.


Palin: Yes, it was Wall Street. But what about Washington? What about average Americans who live beyond their means? You're so idealistic! The American people are partially to blame!

Biden: Yes. McCain called for de-regulation. Good answer.

Palin: Uh-oh... calling out Obama with taxes... I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why tax cuts always seem to be necessary, though. Every candidate promises them, every single election.

Good job pointing out that McCain voted for the same thing. Yes, call her out on not addressing the de-regulation issue.

Palin: I don't care about what you did as mayor and governor.


Biden: You're right. It is fair. We need to lessen the class divide.

Palin: Interesting point about small businesses. STOP THROWING THE WORD "PATRIOTIC" AROUND LIKE THE GOP IS THE ONLY PARTY THAT QUALIFIES. That was a great line about universal health care not working since the government currently isn't working, even though I disagree.

Biden: Wow, you're really getting into it. I like it. Good job throwing out numbers. Awesome "bridge to nowhere" comment - oh snap!


Biden: I like how you're being honest and actually (somewhat) answering the question. That's more than McCain and Obama did with the same question. Good job throwing the "patriotic" line back in Palin's face.

Palin: You're not answering the question, but at least you're saying some okay things about energy, I guess. However, stop trying to frame it like the whole energy debacle was you-versus-the-giant-oil-machine.

Biden: I like how you're being blunt about McCain and Exxon.


Palin: Stop! It's not just Wall Street! It's a bigger problem!

I like how you admit the things that you disagreed with Obama on. We need more honesty like that. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about mortgages and the economy to really understand what you're saying. However, according to the monitor, women really like you. I guess all this economy-talk turns them on.

Palin: I'm glad you're pro-energy independence.


Palin: You're walking the line between the majority that acknowledge the human cause of global warming and the minority that denies it. It's a nice move, though I wish you would pick a side. Other than that, though, I don't have any major issue with what you're saying.

Biden: Good job coming straight out and saying what you think. Pointing out McCain's voting record in regards to promoting alternative fuels is good.

Palin: "Drill baby drill"? Wow. Way to avoid his point. Maybe the reason Obama and Biden are against domestic drilling is because they know it won't solve the big picture...

Biden: Good job calling out McCain's voting record again.


Biden: I like how you're extremely up front about everything. You're right - under the Constitution, these benefits are guaranteed. We're not talking about marriage in a religious sense, we're talking about couple benefits.

Palin: No, this isn't really re-defining the definition of marriage (and it's not like there really is a definition anyway). But I'm glad you think there shouldn't be a civil rights issue.

Biden: I like that you're blunt, again.

Palin: Okay, straight-forward. Same as Biden. Good.


Palin: You're spouting the same nonsense as McCain. Once again you're appealing to fear and this whole "we can't lose" mentality. Blegh.

Biden: Good job laying out Obama's specific timetable. You're really good at pointing out how McCain often voted the same way as Obama on these issues they're criticizing him for. Awesome job at the end, "We will end this war."

Stop hiding behind this whole "victory" and "surrender" excuse! It's not always bad to remove military forces! America is not perfect! We can lose! Good job pointing out how Biden said Obama isn't ready, though.

Biden: You're so much better at this than Obama. Saying it like it is. I like you.


Biden: I haven't heard about Pakistan already having nukes... if you're right, it's disconcerting. Still, good job keeping the focus on al-Qaeda, though I'm still hesitant to fully support much more military action. Good point about building schools and infrastructure.

Palin: Here we go... more pro-Israel rhetoric. As usual, you're wrong when it comes to diplomacy and unconditional meetings with foreign leaders.


Palin: Oh God, it's Bush all over again. The dictators hate our freedom and our ideals! Oh no! We can't be diplomatic with them! They're evil and sitting down with them would be like compromise! Give me a break.

Biden: Yes! You're right! We need to be willing to sit down! Ooooohhh, nice jab at McCain about Spain. You rule.


Palin: Okay, you want a two-state solution, but you're still spouting extremely pro-Israel rhetoric. What about Palestine?

Biden: You're right, the administration has failed, but what are you going to do? We get it, you'll change the policy. But what's your specific stance? Oh, you're definitively backing Israel. I'm not really sure how I feel about that...

Palin: Yawn. Right now you're just coming off as a pretty face. You're not coming across as very specific and tough.

Biden: You are awesome at debating. Great job pointing out how McCain is so similar to Bush.


Palin: No, we don't need to implement the surge principles! How is the fact that we're killing civilians "untrue"? Wow, you're just letting the country watch as you spin things.

Biden: You could do this in your sleep, couldn't you?

Palin: He has you on the defensive. It sounds like you're desperately reaching for an answer and trying to remember your talking points.

Repeating yourself, but it's all good.


Biden: You're clearly the stronger VP candidate when it comes to foreign affairs. "I don't have the stomach for genocide" - neither do I. Nice rallying call. Woohoo!

Palin: You're right, you are an outsider. But in this case, that's not a good thing. Biden is being straight about why he voted for the war. Are you not listening? I'm glad you support Darfur. But still, you're losing, and I think you know it.

Biden: I love how you lay things out in a point-by-point form. Still, we get it, John McCain was wrong about the war. I think you're harping on that a bit too much.

You're digging yourself a bigger hole by going back to the whole "John McCain is a veteran" line.


Biden: Good job saying you're behind Obama. This is a perfect opportunity for you to attack Palin, but I understand you might not take it because you don't want to come across as too forceful or mean.

Palin: Did you just wink at the camera? You're not addressing your inexperience. Still, this was an okay answer.

Biden: You're right, but again, I think you might have worn out the "McCain is just like Bush" approach...

Palin: Aw, you're so folksy. You comment about heaven is going to bring in the religious right but might divide people. You're doing a good job at coming across as a normal American, and that was kinda cool how you mentioned the third grade class, but is it possible you're coming across as too normal? Too small-town and inexperienced?


Nice job declaring your comment was a joke. Maybe it was. You seem to be gaining confidence now we're out of the foreign affairs segment...

Biden: Good job pointing out your strengths and how you'll be good at giving advice to Obama.

Palin: Awful answer about executive power. No, the founding fathers were not flexible about it. The executive branch cannot take legislative power. Not good. THIS ANSWER SHOULD AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFY YOU FROM THE RACE.

Biden: Good job calling out Cheney and pointing out Article 1 of the Constitution. Yes! You know your civics, sir. Well done.


Here we go, pulling the whole "I'm a mom and that gives me experience" routine. I love my mom, but she wouldn't be a good President. And now, what's this, more pro-America propaganda. You seem like a nice woman, but I really don't like you when it comes to politics.

Biden: Good job bringing in your personal history without it sounding cheesy.

Palin: Blegh. More "McCain is a maverick" BS. Maybe he used to be, but he isn't now. From the monitor it looks like people aren't responding. Good.

Biden: Good job calling out McCain again and how he isn't a maverick.


Biden: Not a particularly big issue, I guess, but I'm glad you're honest.

Palin: Bad answer. It makes you seem arrogant and like you think you're perfect.


Biden: Interesting answer. Maybe we do need to question motive at times, though.

Palin: Good answer about appointing people of different views and parties, though I doubt you'll actually do it.


Palin: Meh. Even without the filter of the media, you don't come of good. It seems like they've done a pretty good job of sizing you up. Ugh... more "proud to be an American" and throwing out the word "freedom"...

Biden: Not great, but overall a decent summary. I'm glad you admitted asking God to bless our troops was "selfish." I don't think we should be saying "God bless us" at all, but at least that's better than how the Republicans usually put it.


Biden clearly won. I wish he had gone after Palin more, but overall I guess he didn't really need to. He was much better at pointing out Obama's strengths and McCain's weaknesses. Most of the stuff Palin criticized Obama for was stuff that McCain voted for, too! I love Biden. He was blunt, straightforward, and didn't beat around the bush. Honestly, I liked his performance better than Obama, who during his debate seemed at times like he was trying to skirt the issue and play the political game of not saying anything too definitive. We didn't get any of that with Biden. He wasn't afraid to say what he thought about an issue and what he and Obama were going to do about it.

Part of me actually wishes he was running as president now and Obama was his VP. He could have been less restrained and really gone for the juggular, but he didn't (which is probably the only thing I'm disappointed with). He let Palin dig her own hole and reveal how little she knows about national politics, especially in regards to foreign affairs. Hopefully the rest of the country will now realize how empty the McCain campaign's promise of "change" (a slogan which they stole from Obama, like they've stolen a lot of his other opinions) really is. Obama/Biden all the way!

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