
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

About Last Night... 

In case you haven't heard, last Wednesday's episode of South Park was about the election.

Matt Parker and Trey Stone, the show's creators, took a huge gamble and trusted the polls and animated most of the episode before the election assuming Obama would win. They then went back and animated some of the opening speech segments once they really happened in time for it to air the next evening.

It's an impressive achievement in terms of timing. Not only that, but it's a pretty funny episode to boot that accurately satirizes a lot of the post-election reactions on behalf of both parties. Plus, it spoofs Ocean's 11.

Check it out here. Trust me.

After Obama won, I wanted to go party in the streets in my underwear, too.

NOTE: Be aware there is one scene with strong language, as the website doesn't bleep it like they do for television.

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