
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Until Next Season... 

Bill Maher had the season finale of his show this past Friday. Overall, I found it to be one of his better episodes. The panel was really solid. Check out their discussion in which they talk everything from Proposition 8 to the legalization of marijuana to the McCain campaign. Newsweek editor Jon Meacham is right on the money and even Ashton Kutcher had some surprisingly insightful things to say.

I mean, let's be honest here. I'm not gay and I don't smoke pot. But is there any real reason aside from religion for them to be outlawed?

The panel discusses the GOP and the bailout.

More discussion on the bailout.

Interview with Dan Savage, discussion of Prop 8, gay marriage, church and state.

The panel discusses drug laws, the McCain campaign, and Obama.

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